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Why You Should Invest in Fiber Optics Today

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the demand for high quality data transmission has been on an upward rise as more and more companies shift to a work from home setup. Fiber optics is key for wireless networks that allow for companies to function smoothly and efficiently. Why must you consider fiber optics?

Reliability and Durability: Fiber Optic cables are less susceptible to interference and electro-magnetic fluctuations and surges. It is also resistant to weather and temperature changes as well as moisture. It is also less likely to be a fire hazard. It is less likely to degrade over time, especially over long-distance connections.

Speed: Fiber optic cables provide greater bandwidth and allow for faster transmission of data. Having lower bandwidth can significantly influence daily activities such as web conference calls and other activities including cloud. They carry lots of data in a small amount of time.

Distance: Fiber Optic cables are the optimal choice if you are looking for data transmissions over large distances. It is also very less likely to experience signal loss or attenuation, which means that data is transmitted without any interference.

Cost-Effective: While it is indeed true that a fiber optic setup is costlier than a copper cabling environment, it is to be noted that the prices of fiber optic cabling have become much more affordable with rising demand. A fiber optic LAN environment is very economical and space efficient, making it a valuable choice.

Security: Optical fiber cannot be tapped as it does not transmit electricity and hence, does not radiate signals. It is also important to note that broken fiber optic cables can be monitored and detected with ease by checking power transmissions, allowing for it to be fixed sooner.